The Lucs peat bog

The largest peat bog in Romania can be found in Sâncrăieni - Rural life, Transylvania.

The Lucs peat bog, with its 273 hectares, is the largest peat bog in Romania, located 10 km west of Sâncrăieni, in the northern part of the Southern Harghita, in the immediate vicinity of the main ridge, in a giant crater between the Tolvajos Peak and the Smelly Bath of Szentimre. Lucs owes its reputation to its botanical and biogeographical characteristic plants, ice age remnants and tundra plant communities. The tiny birch (Betula nana) has the southernmost point of occurrence in the world. Threatened plant species are sloping peat moss (Sphagnum spp.), round-leaved dewgrass (Drosera rotundifolia), leguminous woollens (Eriophorum vaginatum), cranberries, peat rosemary (Andromeda polyfolia), intoxication (Empetrum nigrum), red and bilberry.